If you really want to know how to rank in Google than Local SEO is the BEST, easiest and the fastest way to get your website ranked on page #1 of most search engine results for your keyword phrases. Thereason for this is simple… By geo-targeting, you are matching up with local web searchers’ keyword search phrases. If you think about it, if you own an auto body shop in Santa Monica and a person who needs body work in Boston Google searches the term “auto body shop repairs” and your site shows up on page #1, this is of no use to you and you probably can’t help them either being 3,000 miles away!The reason you can dominate your local search results is that you can gain entry into a far lesscompetitive but highly responsive market. The whole point of SEO and how to rank in Google and other search engine results is to be able to pick the low hanging fruit. You can enjoy the benefits of Local SEO regardless of the sort of business you’re in because there will always be customers in your area. This will help you expand your business in a new way and get more customers that are highly targeted to your business. If you're going to make the most from using local SEO, then you must take the time to dig for the appropriate keywords to help optimize your website. When you're optimizing for a specific location, look beyond the basic keywords which will bring you closer to the local web searchers by increasing your relevancy and it also dramatically decreases the amount of competition.
Start off and Google the term “Google External Keyword Tool”. This is a part of Google’s AdWords
program and is free to anyone. You can enter keyword phrases into the box in the top left corner. Once
you’ve entered your keyword phrases, it will generate a long list of similar keyword phrases that have
been used by Google searchers along with how many searches that keyword phrases are used per
month on average. Obviously the keyword phrases that have the highest amount of average monthly
searches are the phrases you will want to consider when picking your domain or title tagging your
website. An exact match to a highly searched keyword phrase is like striking gold and is easier to
accomplish than you think when digging down at the local level. It’s important to search for long tail
keyword phrases (“Find auto body shop in Santa Monica now”) because these are web searchers who
know exactly what they want and are MOST likely to take action once they find you. Be sure to make
these keywords even more specific by adding location into the keyword phrase. Do your research
because this is the most important step when trying to optimize your sight for the best local web
searcher results.
Once you’ve completed your keyword phrase research and you’ve ranked your top 10 phrases that
pertain to your message or business and contain local elements such as town, city, etc. Go to
GoDaddy.com (My Coupon will get you a .com domain name for $7.49) and plug in your top keyword
phrases from Google Keyword Tool and look for an exact match, which you may find easily. If you can’t find a dead-on match then try to find a domain that contains at least 2 or 3 of the keywords in your phrase. Now you can see why this is such a critical part of your Local SEO success and why with an exact match or close to domain can automatically start to flood your website with highly target local traffic and customers. If you want to get high converting, localize traffic then geo-targeting by Local SEO is the best way to rank your page on Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines and you won't be facing heavy competition from other websites around the world.
I hope you’ve found this article informative and my goal is to get you thinking in the right way and
focusing on the right things on your path to ranking your website or blog on page #1 of all search engine results for your keyword phrases.
Geo-Targeting: How to Dominate Your Local Search Engine Results on Google